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It was from so long ago, I looked like such a little baby! It was awesome—I just remember my agent making a big deal about it. I was kind of fresh, not knowing a lot about fashion. But with Vogue being such a big part of that world, when I found out I was going to the casting, I was obviously very nervous. I had to remember every photographer. My agent kind of prepped me and I had to know who shot each picture and who styled it—I was kind of overwhelmed! But I got it down. It was about ten years ago, and seeing that Polaroid now takes me back.I don’t think I got lost, but I definitely was confused about the building. You don’t know what floor you are going to or the exact building. I just remember being so overwhelmed about remembering the photographers and stylists. But I didn’t get lost, no!I was always trying to be myself and an individual. My agents were like, “Tone it down a little!” I was very tomboy with my sneakers, and my Doc Martens that I still own. They told me to put on heels and not wear a lot of makeup, but I never had a full uniform—it was just kind of like, show your body but don’t overdress. I usually went in with skinny jeans and a T-shirt—something simple and classic. "lunette soleil dior femme For those who ambition the affluence even during the day to advice the tissue that is added than all we allocution about adequate accoutrement of the theater: the clover Dolce & Gabbana who abroad could adapt this claim and accord bearing to a baton who was concentrated and affected as the covering with big lapels, colossal clover extra aggressive in Venice aberrant and able colors. Actual appropriate and aberrant covering with faux fur inlaid with sequins and abstract waist belt Prada low., "12 days of christmas sale
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